Sharon has worked in frontline social work for 15 years, becoming a qualified Children and Families Social Worker in 2013 after completing a Masters degree. Sharon came into Social Work with a perspective of care-experienced family members and has worked extensively with complex families but with a specific interest in women survivors of domestic and sexual abuse from male perpetrators.
Sharon has worked in the field of domestic and sexual violence with women who had additional vulnerabilities such as mental health, substance and alcohol use, had been involved in the criminal justice system or were fleeing sexual exploitation. Sharon is a strong believer in the necessity of single-sex spaces for women fleeing violence to ensure their safety and dignity and to promote effective recovery from trauma. This also extends to the view that all women in all spheres of life are entitled to single-sex spaces as defined in the Equality Act 2020. Sharon believes in the reality of biological sex and that it is immutable and an important factor when it comes to data collection and treatment for all. Sharon has become concerned about the large and under-researched increase in children identifying as trans and seeking support from gender clinics and the risks that the affirmation model brings. Non-affirming or questioning parents are often being viewed by professionals as a safeguarding risk to their children as a result of gender ideology.