EBSWA has made a complaint to Colum Conway that SWE refuses to recognise sex or to learn any lessons from the Rachel Meade ET ruling or from the Cass Review
Colum Conway
Chief Executive Officer
Social Work England
10 October 2024
Dear Colum Conway
Equality Act – Protected characteristic of sex
Newly-qualified social workers have drawn to our attention that SWE is requiring applicants for registration to declare a “gender identity” and not a sex. As you will know, sex is a protected characteristic but ‘gender identity” is not.
Social workers have made us aware that they are afraid to challenge SWE’s insistence on gender identity. This is not least because of your admitted discrimination against Rachel Meade, a social worker who was sanctioned by SWE solely for challenging belief in gender identity and the possible impact of this on the rights and interests of women and children. Members have informed us that they believe that correcting your misinterpretation of the Equality Act and denial of the protected characteristic of sex would leave them open to discrimination by SWE on the basis of their legitimate belief in the reality of sex.
We are also aware that Social Work England have still not shared any guidance on working with children and vulnerable adults in light of the Cass Review and the Meade tribunal judgment.
We look forward to your assurance that sex and not gender identity will be required for registration, and that you will produce guidance which is in line with the Meade case and the Cass Review.
Yours sincerely
Maggie Mellon