Following a resounding victory against Social Work England and her employer Westminster City Council in January 2024, Rachel Meade has now been awarded £58000 damages including an almost unprecedented £40000 in exemplary damages.
In addition SWE and WCC must ensure that within six months, their staff are educated in their responsibilities to safeguard the right to free speech.
The judgement and this exemplary award must mark an end to the silencing and persecution of social workers and others on the risks and harms of gender identity ideology or indeed any other ideological madness that might come along in future.
Despite the January Tribunal judgement's unequivocal criticism of the publicly funded regulator and employer for their behavour in disciplining and punishing Rachel for merely expressing concerns about gender self ID on her private facebook page, they had both refused to agree a financial settlement. Rachel had no choice but to take them both back to court for the issue to be resolved incurring further legal expenses, which are not covered by ET settlements.
While SWE and Westminster City Council have had seemingly unlimited public funds to draw on in pursuing their persecution, Rachel has had to rely on the support and generosity of the public in pursuing justice. Citizens have therefore had to pay twice. Once through our taxes which funded the persecution of Rachel and then again to help her achieve justice.
It is not only free speech that has been suppressed. So too have the rights of women, children, vulnerable adults to social work services which are informed by evidence, and are delivered by competent professionals who are appropriately regulated and managed.
Lizzy Pitts' tribunal against Cambridgeshire CC will take place later this year. Lizzy, a social work manager was hauled through disciplinary proceedings for "transphobia" for having had the temerity to declare that men can't be lesbians and that women had a right to say so.
Read all about the legal issues and the background here in Sarah's Newsletter https://sarahphillimore.substack.com/?utm_source=%2Fsearch%2FSarah%27s%2520Newsletter%2520&utm_medium=reader2&utm_campaign=reader2